New York Part II: Street Art

Street Art X

This took place maybe 15 minutes after Spain won the World Cup in football on July 11 2010. We had watched the game in Brooklyn, under the Manhattan Bridge, and it had just stopped raining. There was a beautiful wall painting a block away and a newly-wed couple appeared just as we made our way over.

Congratulation guys (bride, groom and Iniesta)!

Below are more shots of street art from different places in New York.

Street Art VII Street Art IV Street Art V
Street Art II Street Art VI Street Art VIII
Street Art I Street Art IX Street Art XI
(click thumbnails to view larger images)

Check out the first part of this series – New York Part I: Skyscrapers anyone?

New York Part I: Skyscrapers anyone?

Central Park IV

New York is one of the most impressive cities I have ever visited. The skyline, pulse and people make it one hell of an experience. And thanks to my loving wife I had the opportunity to spend a few days there earlier this summer. In a series of posts I will share some of the photos I took.

This is part 1 – Skyscrapers. We see them in photos, on TV and in the movies but nothing beats seeing them live. I had to put my wide angle lense to use though so until you get there, here they are:

Central Park I Central Park II Central Park III Central Park IV
Street Corner Pigeons 5th Traffic Light
Empire State Building I Empire State Building II New York Stock Exchange I New York Stock Exchange II
Looking Up Ground Zero I Ground Zero II Reflection
(click thumbnails to view larger images)

Evening light, water and reflections by Kungsholmsstrand

Kungsholmsstrand I

Kungsholmsstrand II Kungsholmsstrand III Kungsholmsstrand IV Kungsholmsstrand V Kungsholmsstrand VI Kungsholmsstrand VII
(click thumbnails to view larger images)

Kungsholmsstrand on a warm summer night. Just a few blocks from where we live. The reflections on the water looked amazing and the bridge construction was kind of cool.

The colors of the three “reflection” photos are almost left as they were (I’ve made them a bit lighter). However I decided to reduce the saturation of the three bridge photos in order to put more focus on the construction.

Is that a camera in your pocket…?

Is it true what they say? Is the best camera really the one that is with you?

Since I just received an iPhone (yes, I know I’m the last one in Sweden – no it doesn’t have the retina display) I’ve been using extensively. Sure, it’s with you all the time so it really gives you the opportunity to snap photos you otherwise would have missed. And even if that is true for every cell phone out there, this is the first phone I’ve had that’s been good enough. Plus it let’s you edit photos using anyone of the many, many photo apps in the app store.

It’s easy to get blown away if you just review the photos you take on the phone. They look great. But upload them to a computer and you’ll be running to get that DSLR again…

I guess there is a time and place for the iPhone as well as for the DSLR.
Here’s my first batch of iPhone photos – and more will follow.

Flowers Grass Balloon Konstfack by night
by George Västermalmsgallerian Sun Cars
Excavator Parked Walk Hmm... What if I...
(click thumbnail to view large image)

World Cup: HD Broadcast goes ASCII retro (Italy – Paraguay)

Watching football is a lot of fun. And the World Cup is off to a great start.

But sitting in front of Italy – Paraguay with my iPhone I just couldn’t help wondering what the 2010 HD broadcast would look like as an old school ASCII game? Not too shabby it turns out.

Here are some of the shots I took of the TV set during the second half of the game.

ita-par_02 ita-par_03 ita-par_04
ita-par_11 ita-par_12 ita-par_13
ita-par_19 ita-par_25 ita-par_28
(click thumbnail to view large image)

Have an iPhone and want to try this yourself?
Check out Asciigraphy. Simple, free and fun!