Evening light, water and reflections by Kungsholmsstrand

Kungsholmsstrand I

Kungsholmsstrand II Kungsholmsstrand III Kungsholmsstrand IV Kungsholmsstrand V Kungsholmsstrand VI Kungsholmsstrand VII
(click thumbnails to view larger images)

Kungsholmsstrand on a warm summer night. Just a few blocks from where we live. The reflections on the water looked amazing and the bridge construction was kind of cool.

The colors of the three “reflection” photos are almost left as they were (I’ve made them a bit lighter). However I decided to reduce the saturation of the three bridge photos in order to put more focus on the construction.

2 Replies to “Evening light, water and reflections by Kungsholmsstrand”

  1. Hej Micke!

    Fina bilder! Jag har kapitulerat och skaffat Flickr… Hur gör du dina thumbnails? Finns det nÃ¥gon bra plugin för wp och flickr eller gör du det manuellt?

    Ha det bra och hälsa tjejerna!


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